What is the Bachelor of Innovation?
Is the Bachelor of Innovation a degree in Innovation?
Is the Bachelor of Innovation accredited?
Will employers hire Bachelor of Innovation students?
What classes are involved in the Bachelor of Innovation program?
Do Bachelor of Innovation class sizes allow for interaction with faculty?
Can I finish a Bachelor of Innovation degree in 4 years?
Can I switch between a BA/BS and the BI (and BI to BA/BS)?
When do I need to declare a major for my Bachelor of Innovation degree?
Do Bachelor of Innovation students qualify for financial aid and scholarships?
When is the admission deadline for the Bachelor of Innovation program?
Can I take innovation courses even if I am not a pursuing a Bachelor of Innovation degree?
Does the Bachelor of Innovation have prerequisites for prospective students?
Can I work full-time while pursuing a Bachelor of Innovation degree?
Do student consultants get paid for Bachelor of Innovation projects?
What if I do not get the team of my choice?
Will the Bachelor of Innovation program be offered at CU Boulder or CU Denver?
Is the Bachelor of Innovation program being offered online?
How do I get a Bachelor of Innovation team for my organization?